- October 31, 2022
- brandingssh
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- blog, Urology
Laparoscopic urologic surgery is a procedure in which a doctor corrects urological disorders without causing the patient undue pain. It is a minimally invasive procedure that employs a laparoscope with an integrated camera and multiple long and thin surgical instruments.
The following are the most common urologic surgical procedures:
A kidney is surgically removed during a nephrectomy.
Pyeloplasty: Surgical rebuilding of the renal pelvis (a portion of the kidney) to drain and decompress it
Ureteral reimplants are surgical procedures that reposition or reimplant the original ureter in the bladder wall

Urological Disorders That Can Affect Anyone:
There are numerous urological problems and diseases that can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender. The following are some of the most frequent urological conditions:
UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections) (UTIs)
UTIs, which are caused by pathogenic bacteria or viruses, cause a frequent urge to urinate as well as a burning feeling while urinating. Cloudy urine, pelvic pain in women, and exhaustion are some of the additional symptoms. In women, urinary tract infection is more common than in men.
Stones in the kidney
These are crystalized forms of chemicals such as calcium, oxalates, and uric acid crystals that collect over time and produce tiny kidney stones. Kidney stones can cause significant discomfort in the lower abdomen, pain while peeing, frequent urination, and nausea.
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
This urological disorder, often known as prostate hypertrophy, affects men. The prostate gland enlarges, resulting in a variety of issues such as urinary tract infections and bladder stones. Its indications and symptoms range from difficulty urinating to lack of bladder control, as well as a weak stream and nocturia.
Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer affects the prostate gland, a small walnut-sized organ that generates seminal fluid in men. Prostate cancer symptoms may include trouble urinating, blood in the sperm, erectile dysfunction, bone pain, and pelvic discomfort.
If a person is having symptoms of any of the urological problems listed above, the best course of action is to seek treatment at the best urology hospital in India. In the early stages of illnesses such as UTIs, doctors may advise the patient to make some lifestyle adjustments in order to control the symptoms. Some of them are decreasing their coffee intake, quitting smoking, and drinking enough water to stay hydrated and consuming good amount of cranberry juice.
Bladder Cancer
It refers to cancer that originates in the bladder tissues. The cells proliferate uncontrollably, forming tumours within the organ. Blood in the urine is the most prevalent symptom of bladder cancer. Others include urination pain, a strong need to urinate, and increased urine frequency.
Kidney Cancer
This type of cancer, also known as renal cancer, originates in the kidneys when abnormal cells proliferate. Among other symptoms loss of appetite, lump in the abdomen, fatigue, blood in the urine and anaemia are commonly observed.
Urological illnesses are treated using drugs prescribed by doctors. Depending on the type of urological illness, the treatments may range from antibiotics to chemotherapeutic drugs. After proper examination, the doctor takes the decision about the suitable medication.
Surgical therapies are administered based on the state and stage of the disease. Laparoscopic urologic surgery, robotic surgery, kidney transplantation, and urinary tract reconstructive surgery are all common surgical techniques.
Most common Urological Surgeries
Laparoscopic urologic surgery
Laparoscopic urologic surgery is a type of surgery in which a doctor corrects urological disorders without causing the patient undue pain. It is a minimally invasive procedure that requires the use of a laparoscope with an inbuilt camera and various long and thin surgical instruments.
Robotic Surgery
Robot-assisted surgery is utilized in urology to treat a number of disorders, including bladder, kidney, and prostate malignancies, as well as non-cancer problems of these organs. The following are the most commonly used robotic procedures in urology: Prostatectomy (prostate removal)
Kidney Transplant
A kidney transplant is a surgery in which a sick kidney is replaced with a healthy kidney from a donor. The kidney could come from either a deceased organ donor or a living donor. Family members or those who are a good match for kidney donation may be able to donate one of theirs.
Urologic reconstructive surgery
Urologic reconstructive surgery is the surgical re-routing, reconstruction, or repair of the urinary tract. Reconstruction is frequently required in individuals who have sustained urinary tract injuries, mainly as a result of trauma.
The bladder is normally rebuilt by increasing the size of the bladder with a "patch" of small bowel or colon and then bringing the urine to the skin through a surgically constructed conduit.